Tooth sensitivity to cold: Causes & how to safely deal with it

by | Jun 23, 2021 | Uncategorized

Tooth sensitivity to cold: Causes & how to safely deal with it

You might like ice cream, a nice cold drink, popsicles, and other frozen treats on a hot day. Until tooth sensitivity strips that opportunity. Over 40 million American adults experience sensitive teeth.

Tooth sensitivity is common between ages 25 to 30, therefore if you’ve been practicing good oral care, they show no indications of decay, and you’ve been visiting your dentist routinely, you perhaps don’t have much to be afraid of. Bu, an unforeseen sensitive tooth or teeth can be a sign of another problem.

Tooth sensitivity to cold

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to the Cold?

Cold-sensitive teeth are quite often, though it’s necessary to know the difference between gum disease or tooth decay and cold-sensitive teeth. Cold-sensitive teeth happen when the nerves within the tooth are exposed because of weakened tooth enamel or gums recession.

What Are The Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth?            

The primary symptom of tooth sensitivity is pain after drinking or eating something cold. This discomfort can come abruptly, and the level of sensitivity can be moderate, mild, or extreme. 

Some individuals with molar sensitivity also have discomfort when brushing or flossing, so it’s crucial to detect a cause and begin treatment. Suffering from pain when brushing or flossing may result in poor dental care. This can cause further dental issues like cavities and periodontal disease.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity to Cold?

Dentin is the sensitive soft layer of the tooth and is usually covered by enamel and covers the pulp, comprising most of the tooth’s structure. As soon as it gets exposed due to worn tooth enamel, you’ll begin to suffer tooth sensitivity. Some of the most well-known factors causing front tooth sensitivity to cold are as follows:

Exposed Roots

You’re more prone to have sensitive teeth if the root structure of your teeth is exposed. The layer beneath your gum tissue has millions of tubules. These small tubes are linked to a nerve ending. Problems such as receding gums and enamel erosion will leave these tubules exposed, making your teeth very sensitive to cold.

Tooth Decay or Gum Disease

Supposing your cold-sensitive teeth likewise hurt when you aren’t drinking or eating something cold, you could be in the early phases of gum disease or cavity. If plaque builds up on the teeth or along the gum line, your gums can become inflamed, making your dentin exposed. Hence, leading to tooth sensitivity.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

If a chipped tooth exposes the nerves within the tooth, you might feel heightened tooth pain and sensitivity. And in time, small cracks can develop as it is more exposed to cold temperatures.

Vigorous brushing

Forcefully brushing your teeth with a hard-bristled toothbrush can slowly erode tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel can slowly reveal the dentin layer of your teeth. Eating or drinking something cold could sensitize the nerves and cause intense, recurrent pain in the mouth.

Bruxism or teeth grinding

Bruxism or teeth grinding is one of the ways people respond to stress. While many individuals do it situationally, patients who are suffering from anxiety or work in a very stressful environment are prone to bruxism.

Your tensed jaws increase pressure to your bite and progressively wear away your lower and upper teeth. When the enamel diminishes from the relentless pressure of teeth grinding, your dentin becomes exposed and leads to teeth sensitivity.

Too Much Acid

Foods with a high level of acid such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, coffee, wine, sodas, and teas can expedite enamel erosion and cause tooth sensitivity. Some Over-the-counter mouthwashes also have acids and can aggravate tooth sensitivity. If you have exposed dentin already, your mouthwash will complicate things and make your tooth sensitive to cold.

Tooth-whitening toothpaste

Though whitening toothpaste can offer you a more radiant smile, you may be sensitive to chemicals present in these whitening agents. Frequent usage can lead to sensitivity and discomfort. Mouthwashes containing alcohol can likewise trigger the teeth to be cold-sensitive.

Dental Procedures

You may be experiencing problems related to tooth sensitivity, largely due to the placement of crowns, or large fillings. The techniques done in these placements involve cutting vital tissue, which can traumatize the nerve. Thus, you are more prone to suffer cold sensitivity in a newly restored tooth.

How to Cure : How to help tooth sensitivity to cold?

Now that you understand that there are lots of reasons for your tooth sensitivity, it is just as necessary to know how to cure this problem.

Dental Procedures

Some dental procedures can relieve tooth sensitivity. If nerve endings are exposed, your doctor may apply a particular resin to treat sensitive, exposed dentin and end your pain. A surgical gum graft can cover or protect exposed roots if you have receding gums and gum disease.

Your dentist can also reduce sensitivity by doing a root canal or filling a cavity to get rid of decay or infection within a problem tooth.

Your dentist may advise a fluoride treatment to restore your tooth enamel. You may also receive a prescription-strength fluoride paste and a fluoride rinse.

Wear a mouthguard

Signs of bruxism while sleeping takes in a stiff jaw, earache, headaches, and face pain. Talk to your doctor to find out if you need a mouthguard. A mouth guard stops you from clenching or grinding your teeth.

Dietary changes

Along with fluoride treatments, reducing tooth sensitivity may need dietary changes. This includes avoiding high acidic foods, which can wear out tooth enamel.

You don’t need to cut out your favorite frozen treats. Instead of biting into sorbet or ice cream, lick it alternatively. Thereby, you’ll prevent direct contact with your teeth and get to enjoy it more.

 Also, drink cold beverages using a straw so the liquid avoids your teeth and will less probably trigger a throb of sensitivity.

Use a Soft Toothbrush

On top of that, if your teeth are sensitive to cold, make sure to use a soft bristles toothbrush. A brush with soft-bristled can help lessen the gum irritation that may cause teeth sensitivity. Try using soft dental floss, as well.

Teeth Sensitive to Cold Home Remedies

  1. Salt water rinse – Gargle with a salt water rinse twice daily.
  2. Oil Pulling – It is swishing oil around the mouth for several minutes before spitting it out.
  3. Onion – Cut a piece of an onion and place it against the affected area in your mouth. Let it sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse with saltwater.
  4. Honey and Water – Mix two tablespoons of honey in warm water, and you can swish it around your mouth for a couple of minutes.
  5. Garlic – Apply a garlic paste (crush garlic, tablet salt, and some drops of water) to the affected teeth and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm saltwater.
  6. Green Tea – Use unsweetened green tea as a mouthwash twice a day.
  7. Hydrogen Peroxide – Use this solution mixed with water twice a day; however, be sure you wash your mouth thoroughly after its use.

Schedule A Dental Appointment in Houston

If you are in the Houston area, Luxadent would be glad to help schedule your dental cleaning. Our team of experts is always eager to help people develop healthy dental practices and learn more about their teeth.

Contact our office today at 832-462-6484 to set your appointment.


Why is my tooth sensitive to hot and cold?

Tooth sensitivity is due to the stimulation of cells within the microscopic tubes (located in the layer of the tooth), triggering a brief, intense pain when the area is exposed to hot or cold temperatures through food and drinks — or even by the air. Another cause of tooth sensitivity is chipped in the tooth’s enamel surface.

Does tooth sensitivity to cold mean root canal?

Many people have sensitive teeth. And only because you may have some sensitivity, doesn’t certainly suggest you need a root canal. But you may require a root canal if this pain lingers for a long period, even when you stop eating or drinking.

Can a sinus infection cause tooth sensitivity to cold?

With a sinus infection, the mucus buildup can cause inflammation in the lower sinuses and potentially place excessive pressure on the nerves of the upper teeth, ultimately causing them to respond when exposed to hot and cold substances.

Can braces cause tooth sensitivity to cold?

While it is normal for braces to cause some minor tooth sensitivity, they should not result in extreme or ongoing discomfort.

Does tooth sensitivity to cold mean a cavity?

Sensitivity to hot and cold foods is often a warning sign that a cavity is forming and that it’s time to make an appointment to see your dentist. The outer layer of your teeth is a protective surface called enamel.