Toothloss Compromisses More Than Your Smile
A beautiful, healthy smile begins with healthy gums and jaw bone. When a tooth is extracted or lost, it can compromise the health of this soft and hard tissue, and affect your overall oral health as well. Patients who have had missing teeth for some time may notice that their jaw bone is receding or their facial appearance is altered. While dental implants are the ideal tooth replacement, inadequate bone volume may eliminate them as an option. Without adequate bone volume, the implant post will not be firmly held and likely fail. For patients with mild to severe bone loss, we offer bone-grafting in Houston, TX to restore healthy volume to the jaw bone and prepare the site for dental implants.
How A Bone Grafting Procedure Works
The Health Benefits of Bone Grafting
Bone grafting not only restores adequate volume back to the jaw bone, but helps support adjacent teeth and provides a healthy base for dental implants, the ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. During a bone graft procedure, we will take bone from another part of your body or a safe donor source, and place it on the site that needs restoration. Over time, the new and existing bone fuse together and become strong enough to support a dental implant. Bone grafting is a safe and effective procedure that provides patients with long-term health benefits, especially after the successful placement of dental implants. With a stable new tooth or set of teeth, speaking and chewing function can be restored, the smile is more aesthetically appealing, and overall oral health is improved.
Candidates for a Bone Grafting Procedure:
- In good overall health
- Loss of jaw bone volume
- Want to regain jaw strength
- Free from gum disease
- Not allergic to graft material
Bone grafting is a routine procedure performed in our state-of-the-art office, and we take great care in providing quality treatment to every patient. Our experienced dentists, Dr. Triana and Dr. Perez, are skilled at restoring lost bone, even if you have been missing teeth for years. If you have previously not qualified for dental implants because of severe jaw bone loss, we can help you restore your mouth back to full health with a bone grafting procedure and the placement of dental implants! If you feel uncomfortable undergoing this procedure, we offer sedation options to ease your anxiety and help you feel relaxed throughout your appointment.
How Painful is a Dental Bone Graft?
Bone grafting is a surgical procedure, which is performed in order to replace the loss of bone within jaw. People who are suffering from periodontal disease will often come across the need to go through this surgical procedure. The level of pain associated with dental bone graft varies from one person to another. However, the dental doctor will keep you under anesthesia throughout the entire process, so that you will not come across any pain. It will be similar to the experience that you go through to get a tooth extracted.
How Long Does a Dental Bone Graft Last?
Bone grafting is a highly successful dental procedure. As a result, it would usually last for the rest of your life. However, you need to make sure that you get the oral surgery done from a reputed practitioner.
How Long Does it Take for Bone Grafts to Heal?
It will take around 2 to 3 months for bone grafts to heal. During this time period, you should provide extra protection to the tooth root. Your dental practitioner will share more details about it with you.
What is the best bone graft material?
Allograft is the best bone graft material. It is widely being used in dentistry. Allograft is a mineralized and cadaveric bone source, which has a cortical natural. This material can be used to fill up the space and maintain until the bone grows to replace the space in an effective manner. It is quite popular among the doctors who proceed with implant surgery.
Do Gums Grow Back After Bone Graft?
Yes, your gums will grow back after the bone graft surgery. Gums are a growing tissue that you have in your body. Therefore, you don’t need to worry too much about the regrowth of gums.
Is bone grafting expensive?
No, bone grafting is a relatively inexpensive surgical procedure. You will be able to get the treatment done to your existing bone under $700 within Houston.
How much does bone graft and implant cost?
The cost associated with bone grafting would vary based on the condition of your jaw bone. However, it would cost in between $300 to $700. However, the cost of dental implants is considerably high. It would cost you in between $1,500 to $3,000 for a dental implant.
What is The Cost of Bone Grafting in Houston?
The cost of bone grafting in Houston is around $300 to $700. It varies based on the complexity of the surgical procedure. The cost is pretty much similar to the cost associated with dental implants. You can take a look at the different bone grafting options and the price would not have any significant variations.
Does Dental Insurance Cover Bone Grafting?
Not all dental insurance policies cover bone grafting. If you have a dental insurance policy, you should think about getting in touch with your insurance company and see whether bone grafting is covered under your policy or not.
Are you put to sleep for a dental bone graft?
You will not be put to sleep at all to go through the dental bone grafting procedure. However, it can vary based on the nature of the surgery that has to be performed. Your dental practitioner would determine it.
How long after bone graft can I get an implant?
You can go for a dental implant after three months of bone grafting. Then your bone tissue has grown and you will be able to proceed with the implant to receive the positive returns associated with it.
Can bone graft and implants be done at the same time?
Yes, bone graft and implants can be done at the same time. You can get in touch with your dental practitioner and see how you will be able to proceed with it.
Can bone graft be done after extraction?
Yes, you will be able to go ahead with bone grafting after an extraction. In fact, this method is highly recommended, so that you can overcome the negative effects associated with extraction.
What happens if I don’t get a bone graft after tooth extraction?
If you don’t get a bone graft after a tooth extraction, shrinkage of gums and bone would take place. Therefore, it is important for you to get bone graft after tooth extraction.
Do all implants require bone grafts?
No, not all dental implants require bone grafts. It is needed only if the existing bone and gums are not in a position to support your new tooth. Your dental practitioner will take a look at the situation and provide you with recommendations accordingly.
Can implant be done without bone grafting?
This varies from one person to another. If your jawbone is not thick enough to accommodate the newly implanted tooth, you will need to go ahead with bone grafting. Then you will be able to create a stable base for the dental implant.
How much bone is required for dental implants?
The amount of bone required for dental implants vary from one person to another. In fact, it depends on the number of extractions or surgeries that will need to be done. Your dental practitioner will examine you and provide you with more information related to this.