
  • Are You Grinding Your Teeth?

    Grinding teeth is also known as Bruxism and more often than not it happens during sleep. If this problem continues for a longer period of time, there can be negative effects on your dental health. The outer surface of your teeth can get affected due to the friction between your teeth caused by grinding and…

  • Sedation Dentistry: Risks and Benefits

    Have you heard of sedation dentistry? It has come as a blessing for people who have extreme fear or anxiety for getting dental procedures done. Anxiety disorder or a past negative dental experience may be responsible. The fear is so extreme that these people avoid the dental procedures which are imperative for maintaining their dental…

  • Reasons for Porcelain Veneers Replacement

    Reasons for Porcelain Veneers Replacement

    Many people have heard of dental veneers as an option for a smile makeover, but have questions about the durability of this cosmetic procedure. Following is some general information to help you better understand the reasons that porcelain veneers may need to be replaced. Veneers Sometimes Need Replacement from Wear and Tear Although porcelain veneers…

  • When Do I Need a Root Canal

    When Do I Need a Root Canal

    Have you recently started to experience a severe toothache? Is one of your teeth sensitive to pressure or temperature? You may be in need of a root canal in Houston, TX! At Luxadent, we are proud to offer endodontic therapy in Houston for our patients that are experiencing a decayed, infected or even damaged tooth root.…

  • What is Sleep Apnea?

    If you’ve been told that you may be suffering from sleep apnea you might be a little worried and wonder what exactly that means. First, rest assured that you’re not alone. It’s been estimated that 3 out of 4 Americans live with sleep apnea symptoms and don’t even realize it. In short, it’s a very…

  • What Makes Wisdom Teeth Harder To Remove

    What Makes Wisdom Teeth Harder To Remove

    As the saying goes “With age comes wisdom”. In dentistry, this saying is usually referring to the wisdom teeth, the set of molars that grow behind our primary molars. If that doesn’t sound painful enough, in most cases they usually grow in the wrong and require removal to avoid impaction or discomfort. You’re probably asking…

  • A Quick Guide To Dental Implants

    A Quick Guide To Dental Implants

    Is your smile missing teeth? Tired of having to wear uncomfortable dentures? At Luxadent, we are proud to offer dental implants in Houston, TX. Dental implants are a great option for patients that are interested in restoring a tooth or multiple teeth permanently. About our Houston Rental Implants Dental implants are actually comprised of multiple parts which…

  • Cost of Veneers in Houston

    Cost of Veneers in Houston

    Moving forward to 2020 Dental Veneers seem to be the buzz around town. A cosmetic makeover with Porcelain Veneers is on everybody’s wish list. But what are the costs of dental veneers in Houston? Have prices gone up or have they stayed stagnant? In this article we will explore what dental veneers are, their costs…